Was Right Wasn’t I?

Exactly ten years ago I warned publicly about Assad and Putin and the deadly consequences for being "passifist". The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021. This move sent the wrong message to Putin who deducted that Western democracies are weak. Six months later, Putin’s Russia invaded Ukraine. Facebook … Continue reading Was Right Wasn’t I?

Open-air concert named ‘Free Sky’ has taken place at Independence Square in central Kyiv

While Putin's Russian military murderous machine advances on the city committing atrocities... an open-air concert named ‘Free Sky’ has taken place at Independence Square in central Kyiv, Ukraine. An orchestra assembled before a small crowd on Wednesday to play the national anthem as Russian forces advanced on the city. PH: REUTERS/Gleb Garanich https://fb.watch/bEJ3E-NpJd/

Amazing Chinese civilization

In the 1400s Europe was still in the Dark Ages while China flourished as one of the world’s leading civilizations with advanced technology and expansive naval exploration. Western contact with China began long before Marco Polo in the 13th Century. With written records dating back 4,000 years, China is recognized as one of the four great … Continue reading Amazing Chinese civilization

‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes

Important interview at POLITICO Magazine with Fiona Hill, an expert on Putin: WW3 has started years ago… Putin's strategy is "russian imperium", not to destroy Ukraine but to use it, break it into pieces and move to other countries such as Poland, the Baltic countries and many more. https://youtu.be/i-xuQLPEeZk


Garry Kasparov, the Russian chess grandmaster and political activist, a vocal critic of the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, explains the "chess game" Putin has been playing with Western democracies for decades. Kasparov urges to “help Ukraine fight against the monster the West helped create". Kasparov speaks with Walter Isaacson. https://youtu.be/kYhsloRid_c From Wikipedia: In September 2013, … Continue reading PUTIN’S ‘CHESS GAME’ AGAINST THE WEST

Why is the West so hostile to China?

US Democrat president Joe Biden’s “Cold War” with China appears to be a continuation of his predecessor US Republican President Donald Trump. See A Year In, Biden’s China Policy Looks a Lot Like Trump’s. The US allies are following the same posture. https://youtu.be/KuPuXAUXZjY This US anti-China policy has old roots that can be traced back … Continue reading Why is the West so hostile to China?