Amazing Chinese civilization

In the 1400s Europe was still in the Dark Ages while China flourished as one of the world’s leading civilizations with advanced technology and expansive naval exploration. Western contact with China began long before Marco Polo in the 13th Century. With written records dating back 4,000 years, China is recognized as one of the four great … Continue reading Amazing Chinese civilization


On Russian news channels, Ukraine and its government was often depicted as a US puppet, drug dealers or a Nazi state that is imposing a genocide against the Russians living there! Ukraine, a Nazi state? Here's its president: This is cheap war rhetoric to launch and justify an illegal and immoral war. This war was … Continue reading UKRAINE: A ‘RUSSIAN ROULETTE’ ?

Why is the West so hostile to China?

US Democrat president Joe Biden’s “Cold War” with China appears to be a continuation of his predecessor US Republican President Donald Trump. See A Year In, Biden’s China Policy Looks a Lot Like Trump’s. The US allies are following the same posture. This US anti-China policy has old roots that can be traced back … Continue reading Why is the West so hostile to China?


The soon-to-be former US president Donald Trump has been waging, while in office, a relentless anti-China campaign that could have started a new "cold war" between these two superpowers. As an example, in July 2020, the then US president Donald Trump gave China 72 hours to close its consulate in Houston amid accusations of spying, … Continue reading D. TRUMP’S “COLD WAR” WITH CHINA